Welp … after ten years in print, and a whopping 62 issues under our belt, here we are … the final issue of Galaxy’s Edge as a magazine.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing with you a history of how Galaxy’s Edge magazine began (Thank you, Mike Resnick), snippets of the final 22 stories selected for this extra-strength issue, a fantastic interview with Daniel Abraham (one half of The Expanse author), Richard Chwedyk’s last Recommended Books column, Alan Smale’s Turning Points column, and L. Penelope’s Longhand column.
We hope you’ll join us in waving farewell to this version of Galaxy’s Edge, and welcoming us with open arms as a semi-annual themed anthology series. Stay tuned for all the details, and the open call … when it comes.
Thank you. ♥
Now, for a sneak peak at our Editor’s Final Note.
by Lezli Robyn
We’ve reached the last publication of Galaxy’s Edge in magazine format, and I have to share that it feels quite bittersweet. After ten years in print, 62 issues on our readers shelves, and a contract spreadsheet that boasts an incredible 692 drabble, flash fiction, short story, novelette, and novella entries, our bi-monthly magazine has published the breadth of science fiction and fantasy (with a generous pinch of horror!) by many of the newest and biggest names in the field.
As a gift for our readers, our last issue features double the fiction, with an impressive 22 stories—not unlike the number of stories an anthology would have! Since we’re converting this magazine into a semi-annual anthology series, I feel that coincidence is both an auspicious end and beginning!
While Jean Marie Ward usually does our interviews, for this last issue I had the pleasure of sitting down with Daniel Abraham in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and interviewing him about his solo writing career, and how it diverges and intersects with his collaborative works as one half of James S A Corey, the author of The Expanse series. Our conversation evolved into the most interesting anatomy of a career, and I’ve no doubt that readers will be as drawn in as I was by how unique (and yet incredibly relatable) Daniel’s path to publication and success has been.
Richard Chwedyk lowers the curtain on his Recommended Books column with his usual keen insight and conversational flare, and Alan Smale and L. Penelope return with one last entry to their own columns. The rest of the magazine is overflowing with fiction (including one by the aforementioned Alan Smale!), with stories that cover the gamut of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and humor …
Head over to Galaxy’s Edge magazine to read the rest of this heartfelt farewell note, and get a sneak peak at this issues’ stories!
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